DOLEMITE DAY facebook cover photo! (right click and save image)

The fifth annual DOLEMITE DAY is October 25th, 2023! (In celebration of the release date of DOLEMITE IS MY NAME)
Make October 25th a Rudy Ray Moore day!
Start spreading the word now-
- Post the official “Dolemite Day” cover photos to all your social media accounts! Let’s make it known on that day that we will be celebrating all things Rudy Ray Moore!
- Add a DOLEMITE logo filter to your Facebook profile image!
- Use #oct25dolemiteday on all your social media posts. Post photos of you and your Rudy Ray Moore items or pictures with him!
On October 25th-
- Invite your friends over to watch DOLEMITE IS MY NAME on Netflix (30 days free if you’ve never subscribed!) and Moore’s original classics – introduce Moore’s films to friends!
- Share photos and video clips relating to Rudy Ray Moore on all your social media pages with #oct25dolemiteday. Let’s take over the internet with our love for all things Dolemite!
- Listen to Rudy Ray Moore’s albums!
- Call someone a “rat soup eatin’ muthafukka”!
- Have some fun in Rudy’s honor!